Calling all Women in Tech and AI!

Join us during Columbus AI Week for the Women in Tech and AI Breakfast on Thursday, September 19th at Waters Edge.

Columbus AI Week will feature the second ‘Women in Tech and AI Breakfast’ hosted by Enterprise Technology Association, Narratize, getWITit, and a coalition of community partners. The first event welcomed more than 150 leading women to explore the landscape of emerging tech, business, and workplace trends “ensuring that women not only have a seat at the table, but an opportunity to own the table.”

The Women in Tech and AI Breakfast is a women-only event that includes featured speakers, small group activities, and networking with leaders and peers in business, government, and technology.

Click here to register and discover ways to get involved. Questions? Email


Announcing ‘Builders and Problem Solvers’ Hackathon @ Columbus AI Week!


Join the AI Startup Showcase at Columbus AI Week!